Well Avastars is just about at the end of Series 2.
What will we be saying goodbye to forever?
No more female cat noses to make a cat face combination when the female cat eyes appear in series 5. Sadly one of my favourites the female Greek stud nose will also go.
Simple smiles will no longer be available unless you buy on the secondary market, and although stitched shut may not be super popular it can look beautiful on the right Ava.

Sparkling eyes for men are gone after series 2, and sadly trippy eyes for men as well. (I really need more of those!). Female Bitcoin and flower tattoos will also not be a part of any Avastars from Series 3 on.
And the hardest ones to say goodbye to are the common hairstyles from Series 2: afro and flowing in particular for me. Geishas will be gone, as will cowgirls and pigtails. Also pirates and pigtails on guys will be a thing of the past.

But there will be plenty to scroll for in Series 3!
Say hello to a range of new hair, eye and background colours, and some of the Series 3 backdrops look gorgeous!

New earrings for the girls and guys, as well as a range of new facial features such as tribal guys and fashion show girls. Bloodshot and black eyes make an appearance.
Personally I can’t wait to see the nightclub hairstyle on the ladies and the male DJ headphones!
Scroll on Series 3!